My Dollies

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

~*October 1st Updates!*~

Can you believe it's October again,already??!!! The 1st of the month means lots of updates!I have made a Pilgrim&Turkey set for the TDIPT MERCANTILE.


For THE EARLYWORK MERCANTILE I have made an Olde World Santa.


And lastly,but certainly not least,The Humble Arts has also updated.I have put my last Halloween items for this season for sale at very special prices!Be sure to check out all the wonderful items for sale from such talented artist's!Thanks so much for stopping by!


Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives said...

Love your Santa and his tree!
The pilgrim guy is sweet with his turkey.. He would look great with one of those pilgrim gals on tdipt mercantile !

SweetErGallery said...

Just came across your work and absolutely love it. The pilgim and Santa are my favorites mostly because I'm big on the holiday theme!

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