Thank you SO very much,for joining me!Here you find my take on a "Mad Tea Party".Please note that all dolls WILL be for sale immediately,AND I am having a little giveaway,so be sure to sign up to win!Just visit the blog post directly below this one for details on purchasing!"A Fanciful Twist" is hosting this fabulous blog event for the third year!Click HERE to go to her blog and view her amazing tea party,and find links to all of the other artist's participating.(Please note,you can click on the images to make them larger)
SO,without further ado,our story begins.....
When Alice awoke this morning,she simply knew it was going to be a most strange and curious day indeed.

She sat up in bed,stretched and yawned,when suddenly she noticed a very persnickety and impatient Rabbit at her bedside urging her to hurry along and follow him quickly!

Alice simply could NOT say no,she loved a good adventure!So she hurried after the Rabbit.My!What a trek that bunny took her on!Through the meadow beside her house,clamboring over rock walls~"Hurry Alice,we musn't be late!"He kept shouting.

That Rabbit even led her over the tiniest wooden fairy bridge~Alice had seen it once before when she was exploring~the one that leads through the Raspberry bramble.She was barely able to cross~what a sigh of relief she breathed when she finally reached the other side!

She knew the Rabbit must be taking her somewhere very special,to have had to cross a fairy bridge!She thought she had lost site of him,when suddenly,she spied him up ahead,in a spot she was certain where fairies must live.He was beckoning her to follow down a wooded path,"Quickly,quickly,Alice!Between these two tiny trees,it's the secret passage!".

Alice quickly obliged,and hurried down the path,by this time,she was so very excited to see where he was taking her!

Finally,she turned a wooded corner,and right in front of her,she couldn't BELIEVE her eyes!It was Mr.& Mrs.Frankenstein!She had always dreamt of meeting them!How could that rabbit have known?
"Welcome,Alice!Won't you please join us for tea,Darling?!!!"

Alice curtsied and replied,"Most certainly,I am honored!".When Mr.&Mrs. Frankenstein parted to let her through,she couldn't believe her eyes!It was the most wonderful tea party she had ever seen!Little fairy dollies all having tea and cake!There was such a joyful commotion going on,on top of that tea table!

Alice simply HAD to take a closer look!

Alice politely seated herself between Mr.&Mrs.Frankenstein,she was thrilled!

Alice was in awe of Mrs.Frankenstein!She was such a beautiful hostess!

Frank was looking so dapper!He was a very quiet fellow,but so charming indeed!

~And that Rabbit!He had himself a ball overseeing the whole thing!

Before she knew it,Alice was growing so very tired and sadly realized that it was time to be getting back home,everyone would be worrying about her.Mr.&Mrs.Frankenstein bid her goodbye,and assured her that she was most welcome anytime!

With a wiggle of his nose,that persnickety impatient Rabbit had Alice safely back home,and in her own bed.

~*A Little Giveaway!*~
In appreciation to all of my great customers,blog readers old and new~I'm having a giveaway for a little Folk Art dollie&her house.I will draw a winner next Friday,July 2nd.

To enter,all you need to do is leave a comment on this post,if you click to follow my blog,I'll enter your name a second time!If you don't have a blog,be sure to send me your email address so that I can contact you in the event that you win.
Thank you so very,very much for stopping by my tea party!If you'd like to be on my mailing list to be notified when I have new dollies available,please sign up to join on the link in the right hand column. I hope you have enjoyed your visit,please come back soon!