Tuesday, April 13, 2010

~*Mfs. Wickette,A Lovely Queen Anne Doll*~

Here are a couple sneak peeks at "Mfs. Wickette",Greg's latest,marvelous Queen Anne dollie! OH! I am just loving her!Here she is,in her naked glory,all hand~carved by Greg,and just beautiful!

Her lovely jointed legs,and fork hands,just like the old one's~

Her knees straighten out beautifully,to hide the carved joints~

~A back view,her right leg is slightly bent,they aren't uneven...

Mfs. Wickette will be all dressed and ready for her Earlywork Mercantile debut,tomorrow night. I am excited to now be selling on the 15th of the month,there.Thanks so very much,for stopping by!


  1. Ooo La La!! She is lovely Mandy!!!

  2. Ohhh..she's just lovely!!! I'm looking forward to seeing here adorned in her fancy attire.

    Hugs, Doreen

  3. She is very beautiful. I am heading over to see her for sale!


Thank you so very much for stopping by! I love hearing from my readers!Your comments are much appreciated!
Hugs :),