Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The TDIPT Mercantile Updates Tonight,and Progress Pics of Greg's Queen Anne...

I have a very sweet Valentine Angel that will be for sale tonight at 8pm,when the TDIPT Mercantile updates for the 15th of the month.Be sure to stop by,and check out all of the wonderful new things up for sale tonight!

Also,Greg is working on a magnificent Queen Anne style doll.I thought it would be fun to post some "work in progress pics"!I can't WAIT to see her finished!He is doing her in the style of the very early one's of the late 1600's.

He has done a marvelous job,carving her hands,and he has even jointed her at the knees!Right now,they are being held together with nails,he will peg joint them later.


  1. Oh..she's lovely!!!! Pink is a favorite of mine.

    Greg's Queen Anne is coming along very nicely.


  2. Awww, look at those little handsies!
    Yay for husbands who make dollies!

  3. :)
    Hey Joee!!!
    Yes,a definite,big YAY!
    Thanks,Doreen!I love your dollies!

  4. hello, fabulous doll maker! thank you so much for your sweet, sweet comments. i needed that! i'll stay in touch through your blog. take care!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your new Valentine dollie is a beauty...You are so talented. I left a post a minute ago about your Hitty dollie, but if I had read further it's your hub's hitty! What a talented hubby you have!!! Can't wait to see her all finished up. Hugs--

  7. Wow! I love the carved doll...her hands are great! Looking forward to seeing her finished.


  8. Mandy - I'm giving Greg a exuberant standing ovation!

    Just went to Etsy and saw his masterpiece... what an awesome doll - if I had a million dollars (sing along with me) ooh, if i had a million dollars, i'd buy that doll!

    ~seriously! :)


Thank you so very much for stopping by! I love hearing from my readers!Your comments are much appreciated!
Hugs :),