Thursday, January 10, 2008

...a mind of her own

A dollie with a mind of her own...can you POSSIBLY imagine that???Well,for a couple of weeks now,I have been going over my next doll that I will be making.I THOUGHT it was going to be a Maggie Bessie style doll for Valentine's Day.When I was making her pattern,I was careful to make her a very round head like a Maggie Bessie would have,but things just didn't work out that way.Here is an example of an authentic Maggie Bessie doll~


Here is the way that my dollie decided to turn out~


I had everything all worked out,the type of dress she would wear,fabrics,hair color,etc.As you can see,she would have none of it!She has been telling me all evening her precise wishes.I will do my best to accommodate her!~Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Those dolls can be so stubborn can't they Mandy? But then, some of my most uncooperative dolls have been some of my best!


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